2023 China Digital Marketing Trend - How ChatGPT & AI technology impact marketers? How does China respond to it?

March 22nd, 2023

With a buzz of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools, 2023 is a year filled with strong market interest, energy, and momentum toward artificial intelligence-driven technology. This article would be useful for digital marketers and traditional marketers who want to keep themselves updated and relevant to the new trend that everyone is watching for!

With a buzz of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools, 2023 is a year filled with strong market interest, energy, and momentum toward artificial intelligence-driven technology!

This article would be useful for digital marketers and traditional marketers who want to keep themselves updated and relevant to the new trend that everyone is watching for!

Want to earn how to emerge change how technology shapes and changes the digital dynamics, and how to leverage emerging new tech to formulate new marketing ideas for 2023? Read our article below!

Trend 1) 2023 is the rise of artificial intelligence-driven technology

A) What is Generative AI? How does Generative AI reshape business and marketing dynamics?

Generative AI has been a buzzword not only in the technology field but also in the business and marketing dynamic too. Boston Consulting mentioned that Generative AI will achieve a total of £60 billion market size by 2025.

After in-depth research on the topic of Generative AI for weeks, I would like to share with marketers and business executives how AI who have the potential to transform entire industries - especially marketing.

1) User acquisition in association with value creation

As a marketer, we are shocked but amazed with the speed of how fast generative AI tools such as ChatGPT (1 million users in 5 days), and Dall-E (1.5 million in 1 year) acquire users which is SO MUCH faster than social media after launch. That scalability is shocking as undeniably the tool had provided immense value (i.e. faster to obtain answers, create content than ever, etc) to people

2) Personalized offering based on Generative AI recommendation

Artificial Intelligence and AI at Scale, it might be just a matter of time AI can be better than humans to recommend products and services based on algorithms to clients and consumers in B2C and B2B industries.

3) Focus on business value and driving product innovation

With Artificial Intelligence doing the work on producing product recommendations to consumers, which greatly enhances transparency and efficiency in buyers' and sellers' matching, the business shall focus more on "providing business value to consumers, driving product innovation" moving forward.

As We are entering into an acceleration period of generational change in artificial intelligence, what are your thoughts on how we can be prepared for that? Thoughts?

Trend 2) 2023 is the year with all the buzz of ChatGPT

With the rise of new technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) as ChatGPT, what human B2B marketers shall focus on?

B) ChatGPT enables future tech x human “co-creation” and AI marketing revolution, how does China respond to it?

ChatGPT has become a buzzword in media recently, and the tool can produce human-like text, from writing short stories, prose, music and term papers, etc. In this post, I will write about the significance of ChatGPT and how content creators, marketers, and businesses can capture its opportunities, and how China responds to it.

It marks a new chapter of “technology decentralization” and empowers the future “tech x human” content co-creation, empowering an individual creator to leverage ChatGPT to create and monetize content in the future to come.

These trends and news went viral in China, too, I was recently scrolling WeChat media feeds and many are talking about ChatGPT.

Curious by its quick buzz, I did some quick research, and I found out that The PC search volume of ChatGPT in Baidu went up by 648% in the past weeks, and the mobile search volume of ChatGPT went up by 1021%. Most of the searches come from Gen Z male young generation from Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai, etc.

In the meantime, China's Baidu is also set to launch a ChatGPT-style bot too, China’s Alibaba announces it is working on a ChatGPT-like AI bot, and it seems like China is also eyeing building its ChatGPT-style technology.

ChatGPT marks the era of a new chapter for 2023 and the year to come:

🧩Technology decentralization: ChatGPT enables the future tech x human “co-creation”, making the cost of individual content creators, and entrepreneur creating their brand and online media easier and quicker.

🧩 AI marketing revolution: One thing for sure, the use of AI in marketing and advertising will become more widespread in the years to come to

C) How marketers can leverage this emerging tech to support their marketing role for the company?

Leverage tech x human “co-creation”: Utilizing technology to fasten the speed and reduce the cost of content creation. Speed up the research-gathering process: Although technology is not able to replace the B2B content creation process since the technology itself does not understand the prospect (who is usually the human/ groups of humans in an organization) pain point

D) What thinking skills and mindset marketers can start to equip themselves with amidst the rapid technological transformation?

1st) Embrace more “Non-linear Thinking” Solutions to the problems might not be obviously presented in a traditional linear way, instead, throw a brunch of case studies and ideas from various different industries (for example, something here and there to learn from various unseemingly related cases)

2nd) Run More Experimentation Solution might not be pre-planned ahead, but rather to be explored and found in the middle of the experimentation and trial and error process.

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We offer a tailored corporate training package for corporate digital Marketers who are interested to equip themselves with the latest technology trends such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, artificial intelligence, etc, as well as other latest and relevant case studies for the China and Asia market, to learn more, please visit our “Red Digital Academy” and fill in the form. We will be excited to see you in our training course!

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