New first-tier city user behaviour report

October 1st, 2019

Analysis of users of China’s Huoshan APP.

If you want to target the new line of China first-tier cities audience, #Huoshan APP (#火山小视频) is an APP that you must not miss. Here is a summary and analysis of this APP's users:

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The following 4 qualities summarize these users’ pursuit: simplicity, quality, micro (e.g. micro social circles) and genuity. They rely heavily on #socialmedia (e.g. #WeChat) to bolster interpersonal relationships.

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Huoshan APP's users have similar pastimes: TV drama, #LiveStreaming videos and video games. When it comes to things that they are interested in, they never skimp on purchasing high quality equipment, and they are willing to pay to learn and enrich their knowledge.
