Chinese search marketing: Opportunity to promote your business during coronavirus in China

March 2nd, 2020

Chinese search marketing: Decrease in customer acquisition cost with Baidu ppc advertising during coronavirus in China

The cost per customeracquisition during coronavirus in China might give new and innovative companies to gain an edge to acquire new customers at a lower cost as compared to the hot season when all the companies are throwing money to acquire a new customer or win sales.

When the world seems going to an end due to a virus outbreak, sometimes folks who stay in the safe lane might miss the opportunity during coronavirus in China.

One Chinese education company launched a new online educational course and promoting it via Baidu ads campaign in Baidu, Chinese search engine during the coronavirus, there is an increase in business in 150%-200% and decrease in customer acquisition cost by 20%. The cost per acquisition per lead ( #cpa) decreased from RMB470 to RMB400.

The cost per #customeracquisition during coronavirus in China might give new and innovative companies to gain an edge to acquire new customers at a lower cost as compared to the hot season when all the companies are throwing money to acquire a new customer or get sales.

What is your thought? Do you see coronavirus in China as an opportunity or crisis? Can we flip the coin?

Enough with the negative news in the media which talks about viruses all day long? Follow our blog to see something positive and sparkle your imagination in seeking new opportunities in China!

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